Released from 1997 to 2000, this is from the original and first release set of the 12 Labours of Hercules Coins from Gibraltar
First: Nemean lion (1997)
Second: Lernean Hydra (1998)
Third: Ceryneian Hind (1998)
Fourth: Erymanthian Boar (1998)
Fifth: Augean Stables (1999)
Sixth: Stymphalian Birds (1999)
Seventh: Cretan Bull (1999)
Eighth: Mares of Diomedes (1999)
Ninth: Belt of Hippolyta (2000)
Tenth: Cattle of Geryon (2000)
Eleventh: Golden Apples of the Hesperides (2000)
Twelfth: Cerberus (2000)
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