Bond, James Bond
In GoldenEye, released in 1995, James Bond is on the trail of Alec Trevelyan, a vengeful rogue agent who possesses a terrifying satellite-borne weapons system. Played by Pierce Brosnan, 007 must face a deadly showdown in the jungles of Cuba to prevent his nemesis carrying out a plan to devastate London.
Bungee jump design
The coin portrays James Bond in a swallow dive with a bungee cord attached to his ankles against representations of a dam wall and mountains. The reverse includes the official GoldenEye logo in colour and the Bond family coat of arms bearing the motto ORBIS NON SUFFICIT (the world is not enough) and the number 25.
Branded presentation packaging
Accompanied by a numbered certificate of authenticity, the coin is presented in a 007 branded presentation case and themed shipper.
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