Due to the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, this Southern Constellations series will be Pobjoy Mint’s final series approved by Her Late Majesty.
Included in this set:
1st Coin Apus – Bird of Paradise: The design features the Apus Constellation which is represented by a Bird of Paradise, the image of which is depicted on the design. The constellation itself is shown beneath the bird and a compass as it would read in Antarctica.
2nd Coin Grus – Crane: The design on the second coin features the Grus Constellation which is represented by a Crane, the image of which is depicted on the design. The constellation itself is shown beneath the bird and a compass as it would read in Antarctica.
3rd Coin Pavo- Peacock: The design on the third coin features the Pavo Constellation which is represented by a Peacock, the image of which is depicted on the coin. The constellation itself is shown beneath the bird and a compass as it would read in Antarctica.
4th Coin Phoenix – Firebird: The design on the fourth coin features the Phoenix Constellation which is represented by the famous firebird Phoenix, the image of which is depicted on the design. The constellation itself is shown beneath the bird and a compass as it would read in Antarctic.
5th Coin Tucana – Toucan: The design on the fifth coin features the Tucana Constellation which is represented by a Toucan, the image of which is depicted on the design. The constellation itself is shown beneath the bird and a compass as it would read in Antarctica
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