The Isle of Man’s first decimal coin set featuring HM King Charles III, Lord of Man (5pence – £5) celebrates the 50th anniversary of Manx Wildlife Trust. The institution was founded in 1973 and is the Island’s leading nature conservation charity, aiming to protect and conserve the diverse fauna of the Island.
The coins each feature a different animal, insect, bird or marine creature along with their titles in English and Manx. The currency designs will be completed on the following denominations; Five Pence, Ten Pence, Twenty Pence, Fifty Pence, One Pound, Two Pounds and Five Pounds.
Design & Specification
Five Pence
Manx Shearwater -Pibbin Vanninagh
Known for its haunting call, the black and white coloured Manx Shearwater is a seabird which is part of a group of birds called ‘tubenoses’. Returning to land only at night and raising one chick per year, it is an amber listed species of conservation concern in the Isle of Man.
Diameter: 18mm, Weight: 3.25g
Metal: Nickel Plated Steel (NIPS)
Rim finish: Milled Edge
Ten Pence
Lesser Mottled Grasshopper – Lheimmeyder-faiyr
The grasshopper can only be found on the Langness Peninsula, an Area of Special Scientific Interest, and the only location in the British Isles, throughout summer. They can be heard rubbing their legs against their wings to create a ‘song’ for the females.
Diameter: 24.5mm, Weight: 6.5g
Metal: Nickel Plated Steel (NIPS)
Rim finish: Milled Edge
Twenty Pence
Mountain Hare –Â Mwaagh ny Sleityn
The Mountain Hare can be found in the northern parts of the Island, most commonly in upland moorland areas. Originally native to the isle of Man they are often called ‘Blue Hares’ on the Island and are renowned for turning white in the winter months.
Diameter: 21.4mm, Weight: 5g
Metal: Cupro-Nickel
Rim finish: Plain Edge
Fifty Pence
Peregrine Falcon –Â Shirragh y Ree
Peregrines are birds of prey and among the fastest animals on the planet, reaching speeds of up to 200 miles per hour when ‘stooping’ – diving down on its prey from a great height. Despite persecution and falling numbers in the 20th century, Peregrines are now making a welcome comeback.
Diameter: 27.3mm, Weight: 8g
Metal: Cupro-Nickel
Rim Finish: Plain Edge
One Pound
Grey Seal –Â Raun Glass
The lager of the two Manx seal species, Grey Seals spend most of their time out at sea feeding on fish, but can be spotted resting on beaches of the Isle of Man where they breed. Despite number dropping to only 500 in the early 20th century, it’s estimated that there are now more than 120,000 Grey Seals around Britain.
Diameter: 22.5mm, Weight: 9.5g
Metal: Nickel Brass
Rim Finish: Milled Edge
Two Pounds
Basking Shark –Â Sharkagh Greiney
The largest shark in Manx seas, reaching up to 12m in length, the Basking Shark survives on a diet of zooplankton which they filter out of the water, swimming slowly back and forth with their enormous mouths wide open. Seen in the waters around the Isle of Man in the summer months, the sharks are a protected species of international significance.
Diameter: 28.4mm, Weight: 12g
Metal: Bi-Metal
Rim Finish: Milled Edge
Five Pounds
Queen Scallop –Â Roagan Veg
The Isle of Man is famous for the ‘Manx Queenie’ as it is known locally. A culturally and economically important species in Manx waters, Marine Nature Reserves mean they can grow to impressive sizes. Conservation regulations and controls aim to ensure the Queen Scallop is preserved and fished sustainably.
Diameter: 32mm, Weight: 11.7g
Metal: Alpaca
Rim finish: Milled Edge
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