During his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter is mysteriously selected to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, a 700-year-old event fraught with danger. When the Goblet of Fire emits Harry’s name, the boy wizard is bound by a magical contract and has no
choice but to participate in the competition’s daunting challenges.
During the second task of the Tournament, Harry must draw upon his inner courage and bravery to navigate the murky depths of the Black Lake to retrieve something, or someone, that has been taken by merpeople. This UK coin, which features an intricate level of detail, portrays Harry at a critical point during the challenge.
Denomination: 50p
Year: 2024
Alloy: Silver 925
Diameter: 27.30mm
Weight: 8.00g
Limited Edition: 2,500
Maximum Mintage: 2,510
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