On 29 January 2025, the Chinese New Year ushers in the Year of the Snake. A joyful time marked by communities worldwide, friends and family will gather to enjoy traditional food, watch firework displays and gift children money in red envelopes. Each year is characterised by one of 12 zodiac animals, and 2025 sees the snake in the ascendancy.
Many regard the Year of the Snake as the year of strength. Clever and determined, individuals born under this sign are often known for their adaptability, intelligence and agility, can sometimes make advanced judgments that inform their goals, and frequently possess a mature outlook on life.
Public figures born in the Year of the Snake include astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actor Robert Downey Jr., the late musician Charlie Watts and John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States (1961–63).
Denomination: £2
Alloy: Silver .999
Diameter: 38.61mm
Weight: 31.21g
Year: 2025
Max Mintage: 4,598
Limited Edition: 3,888
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