Bearing an ironic name due to his size and stature, Little John is the most dedicated of Robin Hood’s Merry Men, serving as his trusted lieutenant. Featuring prominently throughout many of the legendary outlaw’s adventures, Little John often comes to Robin Hood’s aid in times of need. He stays by his side until the very end, honouring the outlaw’s dying wish to be buried with his sword, bow and arrows.
The reverse of this coin portrays Little John standing amongst the trees of Sherwood Forest, grasping his iconic quarterstaff – a weapon with which he is commonly associated in modern retellings of the legend. This is the third and final coin in our Robin Hood collection,
Denomination: £5
Alloy: Ag 999
Diameter: 40.00mm
Weight: 62.86g
Year: 2024
Limited Edition: 500
Maximum Mintage: 510
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